1st Priority Bail Bonds, LLC

Donna M. Floyd


131 East Egan Street

Shreveport, Louisiana 71101-0511

   1st Priority Bail Bonds provide fast and confidential services. We are a company of morale and integrity. We understand that everyone makes mistakes and no matter what was done we will always display the highest level of respect for our clients.  We will handle all of your needs in a timely and courteous manner.  We provide an easy financing program where your job is your credit. We have weekly and bi-weekly payment plan options available. And all our clients have access to their court date and payment information on this website.

FAST                                                ANYTIME, ANY JAIL

CONFIDENTIAL                              ANY BOND

EASY FINANCING                           24/7

                       (318) 221-2493 OR 286-1466

1st Priority Bail Bonds

"Where we make you our first priority"

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